Why we need the ability to think? (“THE FALSE BLINDNESS” OF PETER WATTS)

Nearly hundred years to that forward (and if to be more precisely in 2082) mankind suddenly learned that in this Universe we are not unique. It would seem, here it is the moment of truth of which millions of people dreamed. However, as it usual also happens, they were not ready to “a fulfilment of wish of intimate dreams” at all. Especially as other mind declared itself impressively: having sent 65 536 probes which at a time burned down in the sky in the face of the frightened people of Earth to our orbit … Continue reading Why we need the ability to think? (“THE FALSE BLINDNESS” OF PETER WATTS)

“The thirteenth fairy tale” isn’t a book for children at all

You know, good books happen different. “The good book” is in general a concept capacious, extensible, and each reader will enclose something special here.

Someone likes works which demand to think, argue, break the head strong.

Someone wants that the book, on the contrary, just lightened the mood, left pure feeling in soul.

Someone looks for in the good text of fascinating adventures, and someone philosophies. Continue reading “The thirteenth fairy tale” isn’t a book for children at all


Today I would like to argue about what has to be the optimum volume of the work. Subject, in my opinion, is very important. This size directly influences many things at once: genre, dynamics of a plot, disclosure of characters, perception of readers, at last … Work volume, in turn, is caused by several factors: style of the author, his idea, talent, literary experience, and, not least, current literary trends. Therefore each of writers resolves this issue independently, leaning, first of all, on the opportunities. Continue reading THE SIZE MATTERS

Diana Winn Jones and her Walking Castle

Today I would like to talk to you about the remarkable writer and her delightful fairy tale. So it developed that having lived up to thirty just over years, still I like to read children’s literature. I prefer it to fantastic love affairs with demons, elves and werewolves as heroes lovers more precisely. Fairy tales are in this regard far kinder and wiser. And in life we have very much lack both kindness, and wisdom now. And the person who created similar history is for me also to become it is similar to the magician.

Continue reading Diana Winn Jones and her Walking Castle


We are wellcoming you in our DeMarcATION!

And if you are here, allow us to be introduced. We are the creators of this website and our names are Olga Devi and Petr Mrakevich. We have a honor to be the writers, the authors and the creators. ( of course, we are the readers also and the bloggers sometimes, the literary critics, the publicists and even the philosophers).

So that “our very-very cozy place” is an author’s website, and a blog, and even something like reader’s and literary “vorchalka“. We are going to discuss here the different topics. We will disclose with you some lifehuck for the beginners, will publish here the reviews for the different books and even some theories of conspirology, including the world plot against as talеnted as we. After all everyone wants to be famouse super-puper star on the internet, so how come we may not wish the same?

Our website is called “DeMarcATION”. It means “definition/delineation of borders“. In this case you may take it also like the delineation limits of the world literary and historical process generally and our native literature particurally. Will our site be succeed or not, the time will show only. And meanwhile you are wellcome here for the reading, dissucssing and arguing. To make a long stiry short- write us

Write, write, write… As one unloved hero of some loved book used to say: ” Look, look, Shura! Look at these chains!  It were made froma gold”